Introducing the Tomahawk Takeover!

What could you accomplish in your business with a trusted, experienced, entrepreneur mentor and advisor whom you can work out the muck with? Would you gain confidence that things could  be accomplished without consuming your entire day? I am opening an exclusive service that delivers just that.

Mompreneur on Fire - Tomahawk Takeover

I am so pleased to introduce to you a new service I am offering called the Tomahawk Takeover.  It's a service I have been quietly offering for years now and am now opening only a few spots for the New Year.  

Seriously, the Tomahawk Takeover is a monthly retainer that creates a high-performing, revenue-generating team moving you from 6-figures to 7-figures by optimizing today's workflow & by adding new revenue streams.

During the Tomahawk Takeover I am going to cut through and cut out the BS in your business so we can focus on driving your business to higher levels.  Higher profits and stronger impact. 

Here's what I know.  Without an ounce of judgement, I know there is a bit of a mess happening behind-the-scenes in your business.  Sure, you present yourself well to the outside world, to your clients and to your team but on the inside, there is laundry list of things that need to get cleaned up AND an even more important list of growth and revenue generating items you want to tackle.  You have opportunities in front of you but fail to act on them. Because why?  Because, at this moment, you don't have the capacity to take on yet another project.  

You don't have time for it.  You don't have space for it.

But man, wouldn't you love to?  

This is where I come in.  

I created this service, the Tomahawk Takeover, to give you time and space to maximize your current opportunities and to add new ones.  Let me be specific - time to add multiple streams of income.

But how I do do it?  How do you create more time to take advantage of more opportunity?

Really, that's the ultimate question.

The first thing I am going to do is talk with you.  No really, we go old-school and we talk.  Now, of course, we talk with intention.  I don't have time to waste nor do you.  

Then I talk with your team.  I work to understand your business as a whole and your people as a whole.  I actually go old-school again and pick. up. the. phone.  You wouldn't believe how much gets accomplished in a 20-minute phone call.  It's life-changing.  Then we add in regular 20-minute conversations and guess what happens.  Everyone is focused. Everyone has answers.  Everyone has marching orders.  You not only become a team again, you become a high-performing team.  

That's just one of the benefits you get when you work on the Tomahawk Takeover.  Oh - and let me be clear, our conversations are not for diddle-daddling along.  They are not for the wishy-washy.  If you have no purpose in my meeting, you are not invited.  Every conversation has an intention and every conversation has a purpose behind it.  

Sounds kind of amazing right?

With those simple activities, you have no idea how many times I hear "I wish you were here sooner" and "thank you, thank you so much". 

So we use our conversations, our capabilities and our workload to produce.  We streamline the activities that are happening, shelve the waste and put our goals in into action.  Our work into motion.  

And then suddenly you realize you can take a breath for the first time in years.  This solid motion allows you to breathe easier because now you know things are going to happen and how.  

Sounds kind of amazing, right?  It is.  

It is actually really, really fun.  

This is what you need.  I have no doubt about it.  It's where I enter and takeover.  Takeover the conversations, takeover the movement.  I get people working in a very intentional, purposeful, clean way. 


  • You stop wishing for growth and have real revenue coming in.  You will know when it will happen and how.

  • You have a "right hand woman" (that you don't have to train) to help you with the execute on your vision

  • You have intentional conversations that go where and how they should

  • You have a team that delivers on its promises

  • You have a trusted, experienced confidant, entrepreneur mentor and advisor whom you can work out the muck with

I have 3 spots available for the New Year click here to secure your spot!